logo for suite 360 program

Suite 360 photo of female students in a huddle

Suite 360

The Palmyra School District recently purchased three programs offered by “Suite 360”. 
Suite 360 is web based and offers a library of relevant videos to assist students.  Here is a quick overview of the three programs purchased:

-Suite 360-Student:  This program will be used for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) purposes.  Students will be assigned one topic per week.  The assignment will be assigned on a Wednesday and then due the following Wednesday. 

-Suite 360-Intervention:  This program is used as one of our Restorative Practices.  If we notice a student is in need of assistance, we will assign a video as-needed administratively (after an Out of School Suspension, students that accrue 15 tardies and /or 15 unexcused absences, students that violate the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law, etc).  The student may also be referred for a Support Plan.

-Suite 360-Parent:  This program is a resource for parents covering many various issues they may be facing with their child. 

For further information, please click here.