Palmyra Strategic Planning for 2021 and Beyond

Public Presentation and Community Feedback Session was held on Monday, May 24th 2021. This session also included a Google Jamboard that allowed virtual participants to comment on specific sections of the plan. Public Jamboard 5-24
2021 Strategic Plan ad hoc Committee
Ms. Kate Allen-Yoakum Chairperson
Mrs. Judy Belton
Mr. John Liebe
Mr. Mark Russell
Mr. William Blatchley
Dr. Brian McBride
This strategic plan sets ambitious goals for the next five years, focusing on pushing ourselves forward in terms of educational equity, improving our academic performance, collaborating with the community, nurturing student wellness and improving student experience, and ensuring our financial soundness.
  2021 Strategic Planning Committee
In 2020, the Palmyra Board of Education created an ad hoc committee for the purpose of developing a 2nd generation Strategic Plan for the District. The members of this committee were: Mark Russell (chairperson), Katelyn Allen-Yoakum, John Liebe, Amy Austin, Bill Blatchley, and Brian McBride.
A series of meetings were held to review the 1st generation plan and to frame next steps to consider. The committee mapped a project plan that would provide sufficient time to develop the new plan. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was published inviting organizations to submit their proposal for Strategic Planning Services to the committee. A broad range of proposals were received, and upon close review by the committee, determination was made that the board and school community would be better served by developing the next Strategic Plan in-house. Building on the strength of the work done for the 1st Strategic Plan, it seemed a natural evolution to be able to provide a more intense focus while maintaining an intimate level of understanding by completing the planning in-house.
In February of 2020, during the Board Retreat, initial versions of mission and vision statements were developed. The committee continued to meet once or twice a month to further their work, focusing on 5 goal areas: educational equity, academic performance, student wellness, student experience and financial soundness. However, in March of 2020 the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily suspended the committee’s work. The ad hoc committee resumed work virtually in April with the understanding that implementation of the new Plan would most likely be delayed for one school year.
In January 2021, the BOE reorganized and the ad hoc committee was re-established with the following members: Katelyn Allen-Yoakum (chairperson), Mark Russell, Judy Belton, John Liebe, Bill Blatchley, and Brian McBride.
In early February, a Strategic Planning Survey was sent to the following stakeholder groups: district staff, district parents, and district students. Following this initial release, the survey was then sent to the Palmyra, Riverton, and Beverly communities at-large. This group included town governments, religious and/or charitable organizations, and citizens who currently do not have students attending district schools.
During the February Board Retreat, the team reviewed preliminary data results and evaluated a SWOT analysis conducted by district administration. The board further explored strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to help frame the goal development process. At the conclusion of the Retreat it was determined that an additional Board meeting would be necessary to continue the goal development process. A public meeting was held on March 27th to continue the goal-writing process and included members of the community.
The ad hoc committee continues to meet and is working on SMART (specific, measurable, ambitious, relevant, and time-bound) language for the goals, alignment to district initiatives, and a process to involve the community for feedback. Feedback sessions will commence in late May. In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, the Palmyra Board of Education has set June 16, 2021 as the date for anticipated plan approval.
The committee hopes to have a well developed plan ready for implementation starting in September of the 2021-2022 school year.