Director of Child Study Team
P: 856-786-9300 x2122
Welcome to the Palmyra School District Child Study Team! Ours is a community within a community that has a wealth of resources; dedicated teachers, support staff and parents; a supportive administration; and a real sense of Palmyra Pride, all dedicated to making the best decisions and seeking the best outcomes for the children entrusted to our care.
The Child Study Team provides for needs of students with disabilities between the ages of three and twenty-one. Our Child Study Team members include a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant, a Speech-Language Specialist, Psychologists and Social Workers who work in conjunction with our Special Education teachers and paraprofessionals. Students in need of special education and related services, including students with disabilities attending non-public schools, are identified and evaluated according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14:3.3 and decisions are made in collaboration with Child Study Team members, the parents and any other individuals as necessary.
Our District offers a full continuum of placements for special education and related services. Educational options include placement in general education, in-class resource programs, replacement resource programs and special class programs both in and out of district.
Ultimately, our focus is to actively engage every student so that they each experience genuine success every day. Learning is not a spectator sport and we look forward to engaging with both you and your child. As a team, we are passionate about our students and we enjoy working together to ensure that we meet their needs along with those of their families and our Palmyra District Community.
Best regards,
Ken Holloway
Director of Child Study Team
“Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best person that they can be”
Rita Pierson
Our January SEPAC Meeting with a focus on Strategies to Support Challenging Behaviors for Special Ed families & caregivers.
District Title IX Officer - Mr. Mike Papenberg
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