Congratulations Christian Deitz! Christian is most proud of his opportunity to travel to Germany as a high school Freshman. He enjoys the summer travel to spend time with ...
Congratulations Jaliesa Quinones!
The accomplishment Jaliesa is most proud of is receiving 2 high academic awards as a Junior, she manages to strike a great balance between a...
Congratulations Jonathan Nault!
Jon is most proud of being chosen as drum captain for the Award-Winning Palmyra Marching Band. He has been a part of Marching Band since he w...
Congratulations Cailin O’Connell!
Cailin is most proud of the honor of being a Top Youth-Team Volunteer for the Bucks County March of Dimes-twice! She is the oldest of 4 sist...
Congratulations John Miles!
The accomplishment John is most proud of is his grades, with a strength in Graphic Design. He has moved around quite a bit, but has enjoyed hi...
Congratulations Giovanni Andrus!
Giovanni is most proud of receiving the History award last year. G works at Riverview Estates Nursing Home where he started as a volunt...
Pull up your favorite pillow & enjoy an at-home assembly! Thursday, May 28th, Ms. Tyler & the CSS Team are hosting a Virtual Visit from author Daniel Jude Miller! Just like in...
Congratulations Patrick Tait!
Pat, although the youngest of his family, is a gentle giant. The accomplishment he is most proud of is beating cancer, a time in middle sc...
Congratulations Taylor Fredericks-Selby!
Taylor is most proud of achieving a B in English along with her A’s in Advanced Art. Outside of school, she has been working at Craz...
Congratulations Jose Solis-Roblero!
Jose is the youngest of 2 children, they have lived in Palmyra for over a decade & have enjoyed growing up here.
Throughout ...
Congratulations Joseph Smyth! .
It comes as no surprise that the accomplishment Joe Smyth is most proud of is: being a Panther Football Player. Outside of school, his ...
We interrupt our regular programming for a THROWBACK THURSDAY moment: Here is the Palmyra part of the Class of 2020 at their 8th Grade Dance. Seems like yesterday, only you ha...
Congratulations Jordan Hankey! .
Jordan is most proud of winning the Correal Science Fair in 7 th Grade. Outside of school, she works at McDonald’s & has earned the titl...
Congratulations Randi Buchanan! .
Randi is most proud of her induction into the German Honor Society. Outside school, she has worked at Frutta Bowls in many roles & she enj...
Congratulations Jacob Chando! .
Jake is most proud of the work he does at Jeny’s Java & his personal growth. He loves working there, being able to make great coffee for the...
Congratulations James Fries! .
Jimmy is most proud of being a captain of the Track Team, along with being a volunteer fire fighter. He is a member of the Palmyra Junior Fire...
Congratulations Sara Smyth! .
Sara is most proud of her involvement in the Interact Club & being voted president. Like many PHS students, she has many things that keep her...
Congratulations Kirstan Berger!
Kirstan is most proud of improving each year as a student. She moved to Palmyra in time for the 7th grade & has loved it here since. She...
Congratulations Connor Dowdy! .
Connor is a Palmyra student attending Kingsway Learning Center in Voorhees, he is 21 & he is autistic. He is an impressive multi-sport S...
Congratulations on your soon-to-be movingUP 8th graders! Please make sure that you vote on the link that your teachers shared yesterday for the Who's Who of your class! We are #...